

nothing to see here, move along.


Lucidly conscious itinerant philosopher.
Nostalgic futurista antix.
Obertonvisionen. マンガ、アニメ。 Insupportable.
Peered nomad hacker operating remote automatons.
Cathedrals & Bazaars. Printed folding decks. Clear surfaces, right tools.
Paper journals, plaintext roaming with a lisp.
Cocoa & i3. Fierce ruby 屏風 romance.
Interactivist fiction. Hepburn. Afternoon naps. Multihead VR.
Sandwiches & vodka. Fewer but better.
Nightcore;ૐ. Liminial spirits. On a zen-ish trip.
More of a lark.

Smells like Dwarf Fortress.